Ashtanga on the Rock

Rock climbing is an activity that requires flexibility, body awareness,coordination, strength, and above all, a mind that remains calm and balanced in stressful situations. All of these qualities are promoted by yoga.

The Picos de Europa are famed worldwide among rock climbers due to their abundance of compact limestone walls. In the vicinity the shala are numerous sports climbing zones. Each comprises a number of securely bolted routes of varying degrees of difficulty, from featured slabs for beginners to steeply overhanging walls with sparse handholds for world-class climbers.

During this retreat we shall spend the mornings learning and practising Yoga (Ashtanga or Saoirse depending on the retreat) – intending to maintain control of the mind as the body is challenged in different ways . Afternoons we will visit a variety of climbing zone to play with this practice on vertical rock.  The climbing zones are chosen for their quality of rock climbing and scenic situations…. (one offers a great view of the famous Naranjo de Bulnes – another is situated on the beach). 

This course is open to both rock climbers and yoga practitioners – or those curious to learn both. If you are already a yoga practitioner we invite you to apply your abilities in exciting realms of vertical limestone rock; if you are an experienced climber, we invite you to experience the synergy of yoga and climbing. If you are new to climbing and yoga, this course will certainly offer beginners an exciting introduction to both!

Daily Schedule


8:30  Meditation and Yoga

10:30 am Breakfast

12 midday: Yoga Nidra (deep conscious relaxation)

12:30 Yoga Workshop (optional)

14:30. Lunch

16:00 – 20:00 Rock Climbing

20:30  Dinner

21:00  Talk on Yoga Philosophy**

*Note that rock climbing is dependent on the weather. On rainy days when climbing is not possible, we offer extended yoga instruction in the afternoons.

**Discussions on different aspects of yoga philosophy will take place on 2-3 different evenings.

N.B. the  program begins with a session of yoga the day of arrival at 18:30h. Participants may arrive to the center anytime after 16:00 on the first day.

Yoga Workshops

1: Balance, Twisting and Bringing Lightness to Movement

In this workshop we will learn the fundamentals that apply to ALL twisting and balance postures, and explain how these develop our concentration and improve spinal mobility and digestion. 

We will also use Samasthiti, a simple standing pose, to contemplate the force of Prana as it exists within our own body, and learn how it can be cultivated in order to bring lightness into our practice and life

2 : Removing Blockages 

In this workshop, we will learn how to work towards deeper backward bending and see how this can improve our breathing and clear our nerve pathways.

 3: Inversion and Hand Balance

In this workshop, we will experiment with inverted postures and understand how they help move our awareness into subtler planes.

We will also experiment with the exciting world of hand balance, thus developing strength and concentration

4: Pranayama

The practice of Pranayama is based on using the breath to invoke positive physical and psychological effects effects.  It is recommended to be practiced after significant experience of asana. The effects of Pranayama are similar to Asana, but it is more subtle. It is a gateway to meditation.

In this workshop we will look at some of the most important Pranayamas and how to incorporate them in your practice.

5:  Vipassana Meditation

In this workshop we will delve into the Vipassana meditation technique that comes at the end of the practice. This technique provides insight into the workings of our own mind and helps us break out of deeply ingrained reaction patterns and conditioning. By recognizing and removing reaction patterns  the practice of meditation can free us from conditioning, and enable direct perception.

Food at Asturias Yoga

We provide 3 vegetarian meals per day: breakfast, lunch and a light dinner. We do our best to source our vegetables locally according to the season, use primarily organic and vegan ingredients, and provide many home-made specialties, such as sourdough breads, spicy chai, nettle pesto, mountain spring water, fresh herbs for infusions, and marmelades from our fruit trees. Meals are designed for a nutritionally balanced diet, with foods that are easy to digest, grow in a sustainable way and full of vitality. 

If you are someone who traditionally has a large appetite or prefers multiple snacks throughout the day, you may also bring your own food/snacks to supplement. The closest large supermarkets are in Cangas de Onis or Posada, both approximately 20km away.  There are various smaller shops nearby in Benia (2km from the yoga center) and at the “Campsite Picos de Europa” (1km down hill from the yoga center).

Included in Yoga and Rock Climbing Retreat

  • Daily Guided Sports Climbing
  • Daily Yoga classes
  • Three nutritious vegetarian meals per day
  • Daily transfer to and from rock climbing areas
  • Asturias Yoga manual


  • Equipment rental (climbing shoes and harness) is an extra 50 euros.

Contact Us.

If you have any further questions, or are ready to reserve your place, get in touch today!