6 Day Ashtanga and Meditation Retreat on Porto Santo

In this 6 day intensive retreat, we will learn the entire Ashtanga Primary Series on the tranquil Atlantic island of Porto Santo, part of the Madeira archipelago

Intensive Yoga mornings will include an energetic Ashtanga session, a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating session of Yoga Nidra and a long workshop to look at the fine detail of the Ashtanga practice an philosophy.

This retreat will leave us prepared to perform the complete Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga  independently. In six days of practise and study we will cover the fundamentals of Ashtanga Yoga and to learn each asana in the series individually. Participants will be left with an understanding of the purpose of each asana, its sequence, benefits, dangers to avoid and valid modifications.

The retreat will be led by Simon Loughlin, who has dedicated his life to Yoga since 2008. He has led over 100 retreats in Ashtanga and trained over 50 Ashtanga Teachers worldwide.

(For more information on Simon click here)

Time Table

Arrival on the first day of this retreat, specified on Retreat Calendar, may be anytime after 16:00. The program begins with dinner at 20:00, and finishes the last day after lunch around 15:00h.

8:30Yoga Session
10:30Big Brunch
12:00Meditation/Yoga Nidra
12:30Ashtanga Workshop (Practice and Philosophy)
AfternoonFree Time for Exploring Beaches, Caves and Mountains of Porto Santo


Day 1: The Interior Practice.

In this introductory workshop, we will learn the fundamentals of the Ashtanga Vinyasa Practice, including:

  • Ujjayi Breathing – A full and conscious breathing technique that brings concentration and vitality
  • Drishti – A point of visual focus, that keeps attention centered and prevents distraction
  • Vinyasa – The meditative art of synchronizing breath and movement 
  • Bandha – The subtle art of tuning into the force of levity in our body, bringing lightness to our movement 

Day 2: Sun Salutations and Standing Postures.

In this workshop we will begin by learning the sequence and  postures of the energizing Sun Salutation sequences of Ashtanga Vinyasa. We will study in fine detail Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog), a key preparation for the subsequent postures of the Primary Series and basis of hand balance. We will then learn the fundamentals of correct forward bending, a very common daily movement, which often leads to injury when incorrectly performed.  We will then study the important alignments and sequence of the standing postures. 

Day 3: Balance and Twisting.

We begin this workshop by learning the keys to good balance and understand how it strengthens out mental focus. We will experiment with the challenging balance postures of the standing sequence of Ashtanga. We will then learn how to correctly perform spinal twists, which have the effect of increasing spinal mobility and improving the digestive function. We will also learn the alignments and sequence of some of the seated postures. 

Day 4: Back Bending and Inversion.

We begin this workshop by studying back bending in order to strengthen the spine and fully open the respiratory system (and hence improve breathing). We will learn how to use our thoracic spine to safely deepen backward bending.  

We will also learn about how to perform inverted postures and how they stimulate the brain and endocrine system. 

Day 5: Advanced Postures of the Primary Series.

In this last workshop, you will have the opportunity to explore the most challenging postures of the Primary Series, such as Bhujapidasana (a hand balance) and Supta Kurmasana (a posture which requires the legs to be placed behind the head). We will begin by learning preparatory exercises that will enable these more challenging asanas to become accessible with time. We will also learn about Ashtanga Vinyasa’s “gatekeeper” concept, and discuss how you can develop an individualized sequence within the Ashtanga framework to make it more appropriate for your individual situation.  


Nestled in Barroca, Vila Baleira, on Porto Santo Island, the house is just a 10-minute stroll from pristine beach and a quick 5-minute walk to the town center and supermarket. You can enjoy the island breeze in the house’s gardens, rinse off under the outdoor shower with heated water, and savour mouthwatering vegetarian BBQ delights. Complete with cozy bed linens, plush bath towels, and provided WiFi, our house ensures your comfort as you immerse yourself in the tranquility of Porto Santo.



We are blessed on this retreat to have Cristiano and Matilde, two gifted vegetarian cooks. They amazed and delighted us on a retreat in Asturias with their colourful and delicious creations, making creative use of local ingredients herbs and spices. Their passion for cooking is obvious. You will enjoy the Indian influence, coming from Cristiano’s time living in Goa and learning directly in home kitchens. 

                 Yogi Chefs Matilde and Cristiano cooking on TV

Included in Ashtanga Primary Series Retreat

  • Daily Yoga Program
  • 100 page  Ashtanga Yoga Manual
  • Primary Series Poster
  • 2/day Vegetarian & Vegan Meals 

Reservations: 6 Days, 5 Nights

How to Get to Porto Santo